When the Forum Replaces the Factory. Attempts to Build Identity in the Era of the End of the Work

Author/s Valerio Lastrico
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2013/46
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 95-112 File size 550 KB
DOI 10.3280/SC2013-046007
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The article analyzes posts of a forum of young unionists from CGIL, related to threads concerning the way out the union representation crisis. The aim is to study the strategies proposed in actors’ discussions towards identity paths able to provide membership for categories currently not entering the union: first of all young flexible workers. Investigating the cognitive paths within the discussions, the author notes that young unionists chose to follow the move ments on the ground of exalting horizontal online participation as the solution to establish a new collective identity, but at the risk of focusing on the instrument more than on the goal, on the medium more than on the content, with new problems in terms of identity.

Keywords: Iidentity, social media, participation, trade union, flexibility, young workers.

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Valerio Lastrico, Quando il forum sostituisce la fabbrica. Tentativi di costruzione identitaria nell’era della fine del lavoro in "SOCIOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE " 46/2013, pp 95-112, DOI: 10.3280/SC2013-046007