Rethinking Chernobyl

Journal title SOCIETÀ E STORIA
Author/s Matteo Gerlini
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/143
Language Italian Pages 9 P. 145-153 File size 509 KB
DOI 10.3280/SS2014-143006
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The Italian contribution to what is known in the English-speaking world as Nuclear-History has ben far from negligible in the past few years. The debate on the ex ploitation of nuclear energy has been marked in our country by two referendums, both-of which have been influenced by concomitant nuclear accidents. The publication of-new studies of the Chernobyl disaster occsioned by its anniversary and the exploitation-of nuclear energy for non-military purposes have greatly enriched the bibliography,-which is examined here in the international context.-

Keywords: Chernobyl, Nuclear accidents, Italian Nuclear Programme, Soviet Uniton,-European Community, International Atomic Energy Agency

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Matteo Gerlini, Ripensare Chernobyl in "SOCIETÀ E STORIA " 143/2014, pp 145-153, DOI: 10.3280/SS2014-143006