Spanish socialism and the memory of antifascism and exile

Author/s Abdòn Mateos
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/94
Language Italian Pages 17 P. 72-88 File size 126 KB
DOI 10.3280/PASS2015-094004
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After the first democratic elections of 1977, the Spanish Socialist Party shared the same views as the Communists and the centrists about "relegating to oblivion" the experience of war, underground years and exile in the name of national reconciliation. The PSOE paid homage to events and figures of the past only on the occasion of their death or to celebrate important anniversaries (the fiftieth of the death or the centenary of the birth). This policy of subdued, or "low profile" memory, implemented by the Socialists, underwent a change from 1988, when, ten-fifteen years after Franco’s death, exile was presented as an integral part of a new, constitutional patriotism.

Keywords: Spanish Socialist Party, Transition, Public use of history, Exile, Political culture

Abdòn Mateos, Il socialismo spagnolo e la memoria dell’antifascismo e dell’esilio in "PASSATO E PRESENTE" 94/2015, pp 72-88, DOI: 10.3280/PASS2015-094004