Gramsci, Wittgenstein, Sraffa and prof. Lo Piparo: Facts and fiction

Author/s Giancarlo De Vivo, Nerio Naldi
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/94
Language Italian Pages 10 P. 105-114 File size 97 KB
DOI 10.3280/PASS2015-094006
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In recent years F. Lo Piparo has published two tracts where he has maintained that one or more of Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks have been suppressed soon after his death, or during the following decade. In a third tract, published in 2014, he claims that it was Gramsci who inspired the crucial turn in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy which led him to the Philosophical Investigations, and that Piero Sraffa (whose influence Wittgenstein thereby acknowledges) was a merely passive (and unaware) vehicle of Gramsci’s thought. The first part of this paper illustrates and criticizes the main line of the two earlier pamphlets; it is then shown that the alleged facts on which the thesis on the Gramsci-Wittgenstein relationship is "grounded", are non-existent.

Keywords: Piero Sraffa, Antonio Gramsci, Ludwig Wittgenstein

Giancarlo De Vivo, Nerio Naldi, Gramsci, Wittgenstein, Sraffa e il prof. Lo Piparo. Fatti e fantasie in "PASSATO E PRESENTE" 94/2015, pp 105-114, DOI: 10.3280/PASS2015-094006