Ragione poetica e vulnerabilità

Author/s Ugo Morelli
Publishing Year 2015 Issue 2015/23
Language Italian Pages 13 P. 15-27 File size 85 KB
DOI 10.3280/EDS2015-023003
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Poetic reason and vulnerability. The poetic reason appears one of possibility to live the human experience in its time, in relations with others and within themselves. There is in the social bond a constitutive vulnerability related to natural intersubjectivity. The identification involves the exposure to the free action of the other, and vulnerability becomes at the same time, risks and opportunities to expand and fulfill own potential. Nor only cognitive reason or affective reason can exhaust the search space expansion of the human. Walking on the edge of the possible means to listen to the tension to be create and to become themselves in life. The tradition of psychoanalytic studies merged with the progress of neuroscience research on the embodied simulation, as shown in this paper, allow you to reflect on the accessibility of poetic reason.

Keywords: Poetic reason, affective reason, vulnerability, embodied simulation, forms of vitality, subjactivation, genesis, origin

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Ugo Morelli, Ragione poetica e vulnerabilità in "EDUCAZIONE SENTIMENTALE" 23/2015, pp 15-27, DOI: 10.3280/EDS2015-023003