The decline in municipal investments between Domestic Stability Pact and lack of financial resources

Author/s Paolo Chiades, Vanni Mengotto
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2015/2
Language Italian Pages 40 P. 5-44 File size 491 KB
DOI 10.3280/EP2015-002001
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This paper analyzes the decline in Italian municipal investments that began in the middle of the last decade. The analysis shows that, organizational methods for service provision and budgetary financial conditions being equal, investments declined more sharply in the larger municipalities subject to the Domestic Stability Pact than in those which were exempted. The Pact effects have been relatively stronger for those municipalities in better financial conditions, that would have been able to finance investments with their own resources. The Pact has helped to achieve the main goal of the legislator, i.e. to keep the deficit under control. It has also provided a stimulus for local governments to be more rigorous in drafting their budgets, leading to a closer correlation between the amounts committed and those actually spent, in line with the provisions of the new accounting system which has come into force in 2015.

Keywords: Domestic stability pact, municipalities, investments, local public finance

Jel codes: H70, H72, H77

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Paolo Chiades, Vanni Mengotto, Il calo degli investimenti nei Comuni tra Patto di stabilità interno e carenza di risorse in "ECONOMIA PUBBLICA " 2/2015, pp 5-44, DOI: 10.3280/EP2015-002001