Innovatori, indecisi, bisognosi o autonomi. I medici di medicina generale tra integrazione e accountability

Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Sara Barsanti, Manila Bonciani, Federico Vola, Luca Pirisi
Publishing Year 2016 Issue 2016/98
Language Italian Pages 31 P. 9-39 File size 23950 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2016-098002
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Italian primary care is currently undergoing radical reform. Territorial Functional Aggregations (AFT), compulsory networks of general practices comparable to primary care groups (PCGs), have recently appeared in Italian legislation. In particular, Tuscany Region has become the national pioneer, experimenting AFT implementation since 2014. This paper contains a review of new initial perceptions of those general practitioners (GPs’) who are in charge of coordinate the new mono-professional groups. 115 coordinators have been asked to fill in a questionnaire about the impact of these reforms in terms of integration and accountability, with a focus on their new managerial responsibilities. Then the authors have run a cluster analysis to identify homogenous groups with similar perceptions and to understand how GPs are facing the reform.

Keywords: Primary care, general practitioner, health management, accountability, integration, cluster analysis

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Sara Barsanti, Manila Bonciani, Federico Vola, Luca Pirisi, Innovatori, indecisi, bisognosi o autonomi. I medici di medicina generale tra integrazione e accountability in "MECOSAN" 98/2016, pp 9-39, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2016-098002