Suspended in time. Inactivity and perceived malaise in NEET young adults

Author/s Anna Parola, Lucia Donsì
Publishing Year 2018 Issue 2018/3
Language Italian Pages 30 P. 44-73 File size 446 KB
DOI 10.3280/PDS2018-003003
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Latest economic crisis has severely impacted Italian young adults making harder their transition to work. For this reason, NEET phenomenon has so increased, acronym for youth aged 15-34 years not engaged in employment, education or training. In our opinion the phe-nomenon should be considered taking into account of specific socio-cultural context because it could affect the adaptive process, nature and modalities of transitions, with different spillover effects on psychological wellness. Starting from explorative purposes, this research aims to highlight NEET condition in Campania, region of Italy most closely associated with it (37.7%), focusing on young adults aged 20-34 more specifically. Furthermore, purpose of paper is to detect if and how em-ployment status and ways of experiencing daily time and satisfaction of life and health of young are associated. Using data collected by Multipurpose Investigation Istat "Aspects of daily life" (Istat, 2016), we focused on ways of experiencing time, dimension of future, perception and satis-faction of health of young adult NEET, by comparing these aspects with the ways experienced from students and workers of the same age. Results show three different profiles in relation to employment status. In particular, NEET’s profile is characterized by inactivity, malaise, dissatisfaction and uncertain dimension of future.

Keywords: NEET, young adults, temporal perspective, perceived health, multiple corre-spondence analysis.

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Anna Parola, Lucia Donsì, Sospesi nel tempo. Inattività e malessere percepito in giovani adulti NEET in "PSICOLOGIA DELLA SALUTE" 3/2018, pp 44-73, DOI: 10.3280/PDS2018-003003