Preliminary investigation into general practitioners’ willingness to accept the pay-for-performance scheme: A replication study

Journal title MECOSAN
Author/s Monica Giancotti, Giorgia Rotundo, Paolo Misericordia, Silvestro Scotti, Milena Lopreite, Marianna Mauro
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2018/106
Language English Pages 28 P. 65-92 File size 664 KB
DOI 10.3280/MESA2018-106004
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Monica Giancotti, Giorgia Rotundo, Paolo Misericordia, Silvestro Scotti, Milena Lopreite, Marianna Mauro, Preliminary investigation into general practitioners’ willingness to accept the pay-for-performance scheme: A replication study in "MECOSAN" 106/2018, pp 65-92, DOI: 10.3280/MESA2018-106004