«Le phénomène Andreotti»: Mitterrand’s France, Italy and «une singulière»

Author/s Bruna Bagnato
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/47
Language Italian Pages 30 P. 59-88 File size 197 KB
DOI 10.3280/XXI2020-047004
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When Mitterrand arrived at the Elysée in 1981, he intended to strengthen the political relationship between France and Italy. In that period, Italy appeared to be particularly subdued to the US government; the goal of the French government was to push for the end of this subordination and to encourage Italy to accept an asymmetric relation with France. With the arrival of Andreotti at the Farnesina in 1983, in fact, Italy proved to have a more autonomous political attitude but the French government was forced to admit that this autonomy made French-Italian relationship more complicated.

Keywords: France; Italy; French-Italian relations; François Mitterrand; Giulio Andreotti.

Bruna Bagnato, «Le phénomène Andreotti»: la Francia di Mitterrand, l’Italia e «une personnalité singulière» in "VENTUNESIMO SECOLO" 47/2020, pp 59-88, DOI: 10.3280/XXI2020-047004