Adult learning professionals in the field of green sustainability

Author/s Giovanna del Gobbo
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/112
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 83-102 File size 358 KB
DOI 10.3280/QUA2020-112007
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Conversion and reorganization of economic processes (greening) and a widespread responsibility, including individual one, with respect to the environment and territory in direction of a "green society" as well as a "green economy", seems to be able to open up a potential labour opportunity for environmental sustainability education professionals. To date professional units operating in education, training and environmental awareness activities are various. The activities are mostly carried out by professionals operating in different fields and sectors (public utilities, tourism, cultural services, hiking, protection of environmental heritage, agriculture, education and instruction, etc.) and so they define a family with outlines indistinct, without a univocal definition of roles, areas of activity, skills and training paths. This contribution intends to offer a glance into a problem that necessarily requires a systemic approach and that urges pedagogical reflection on the environment to a stronger and more structured dialogue with the labour market to guarantee professionalization processes whose social and economic usefulness seems indisputable.

Keywords: Environmental sustainability; sustainable development; green economy; educator; non-formal education; green society.

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Giovanna del Gobbo, I professionisti dell’educazione alla sostenibilità ambientale in "QUADERNI DI ECONOMIA DEL LAVORO" 112/2020, pp 83-102, DOI: 10.3280/QUA2020-112007