Places of education: Multimedia paths for promoting job guidance within an inclusive perspective

Author/s Diana Carmela Di Gennaro, Michele Domenico Todino, Paola Aiello, Maurizio Sibilio
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/1
Language Italian Pages 106 P. 93-14 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/erpoa1-2021oa11521
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The process of identity definition that is characterizing the educational professions due to the recent legislation (DDL 2443/2017 and DM 378/18) has highlighted, among others, the need to outline career guidance paths capable of supporting students towards a conscious construction of their professional identity, with specific attention also to students with disabilities, SLD or particular conditions of discomfort that could affect their future working.To this aim, within the context of the POT project in which the Department of Humanities, Philosophy and Education of the University of Salerno participated as a partner, multi-media paths have been created to allow navigation of some places of education.The digital technology chosen is the GSuite one and, more specifically, Google Moduli, which has been adapted to present audiovisual content; students are asked to reflect on specific aspects of educational work by answering some stimulus-questions.A short questionnaire was also administered with the double objective of verifying, on the one hand, whether these multimedia paths proved to be really useful and, on the other hand, of exploring the ideas that students have about their future work to provide personalized support and meet their individual needs.

Keywords: guidance; tutoring; educator; inclusion; pre-professional identity; multimedia paths

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Diana Carmela Di Gennaro, Michele Domenico Todino, Paola Aiello, Maurizio Sibilio, I luoghi dell’educazione: percorsi multimediali per promuovere l’orientamento al lavoro in un’ottica inclusiva in "EDUCATIONAL REFLECTIVE PRACTICES" 1/2021, pp 93-14, DOI: 10.3280/erpoa1-2021oa11521