Gaslighting as a form of emotional abuse in the relationship of emo-tional dependence

Author/s Tonino Cantelmi, Michela Pensavalli, Pamela Serafini
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2021/1
Language Italian Pages 32 P. 51-82 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/mdm1-2021oa12639
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With this contribution we intend to analyze and provide tools to promptly detect relationships characterized by emotional dependence, with conduct of emotional * Psichiatra e psicoterapeuta. Presidente dell’Istituto di Terapia Cognitivo In-terpersonale, via di Santa Costanza 62, Roma. ** Psicoterapeuta. Coordinatrice dell’Istituto di Terapia Cognitivo Interpersonale, via di Santa Costanza 62, Roma. *** Psicologa. Psicoterapeuta. Scuola di Specializzazione in Psicoterapia Co-gnitivo Interpersonale, via di Santa Costanza 62, Roma. abuse. A conceptualization is proposed that takes into account the interpersonal motivational systems and the patient’s metacognitive functioning. Ideas are pre-sented to detect, at the base, imbalances in the social ability of empathy, analyzing the "codependent profile" and the dysfunctional training and maintenance meth-ods typical of some affective styles are highlighted. To support these reflections, reference was made to the model of interpersonal motivational systems developed by Liotti and collaborators.

Keywords: love addiction, gaslighting, metacognition, Interpersonal Motivational Systems, emotion regulation, Covid-19

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Tonino Cantelmi, Michela Pensavalli, Pamela Serafini, Il gaslighting come forma di abuso emotivo nella relazione di dipendenza affettiva in "MODELLI DELLA MENTE" 1/2021, pp 51-82, DOI: 10.3280/mdm1-2021oa12639