Universities, Companies and Intermediaries in Teaching Innovation Processes in Doctoral Schools. A Multiple Case Study

Author/s Massimo Marcuccio, Vanessa Lo Turco
Publishing Year 2022 Issue 2022/2
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 91-108 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/exioa2-2022oa15083
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In the field of doctoral studies in Italy, there has been an increase in the number of PhDs enrolled and in the number of PhDs entering the labour force over the last twenty years. However, comparing national data with international ones, the percentage of employed PhDs is lower concerning the total workforce. Moreover, many PhDs feel they do not use the skills developed during their PhD while others find better job opportunities abroad. This problematic situation finds a possible solution in the introduction of innovative curricula in PhDs. The contribution presents the outcomes of a multiple case study carried out in 2021 on an innovative non-formal education course on Open Innovation issues promoted by an intermediary organisation in Emilia-Romagna and addressed to companies and PhD students at the universities in Emilia-Romagna. The empirical research framework was developed from a theoretical framework that integrated three different models: the Community of Practice, challenge-based learning and the hackathon. The main objective was to describe the innovative curriculum’s sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness. Fourteen doctoral students, eight representatives of four companies, four representatives of an intermediary and four business consultants were involved. Data were collected through the analysis of documents, interviews and questionnaires. From the main findings, it emerges that the pathway investigated is sustainable, although it requires some adjustments to improve its efficiency and can foster the establishment of communities of practice that promote learning.

Keywords: ; PhD; innovative teaching; community of practice; open innovation; intermediary subjects; companies

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Massimo Marcuccio, Vanessa Lo Turco, Università, Imprese e Soggetti Intermediari nei Processi di Innovazione Didattica nelle Scuole di Dottorato. Uno Studio di Caso Multiplo in "EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION IN LEARNING AND TEACHING" 2/2022, pp 91-108, DOI: 10.3280/exioa2-2022oa15083