Journal title GRUPPI
Author/s Giorgio Cavicchioli
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2021/2
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 201-212 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/gruoa2-2021oa15817
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Starting from the text by G. Civitarese “Experiences in Groups as a key to ‘late’ Bion”, the author proposes a reading of the topics covered and an in-depth analysis of some aspects concerning the relationship between group and individual, the on the technique of postbionian conceptions, dual and group intersubjectivity in analytic work, the use of the analytic field theory in group situations. The group foundation of subjectivity is considered both as a philosophical and epistemological basis of the therapeutic work, and as a necessary prerequisite for a certain technical attitude of the therapist who wants to orient his own approach in an intersubjective sense. The theme of the group-of-two constituted by the therapeutic couple opens questions and possible perspectives that challenge certain visions of the analytic context and of the therapeutic relationship. It should also be noted that Bion’s thought of Experiences in Groups, as reread by Civitarese, provides interesting explanatory and interpretative possibilities, being able to apply it also to the dual therapeutic situation.
Keywords: ; Group; Intersubjectivity; Bion; Group field
Giorgio Cavicchioli, L’inizio e (è) la fine del cerchio. Note su "Esperienze nei gruppi come chiave per comprendere l’"ultimo" Bion" di Giuseppe Civitarese in "GRUPPI" 2/2021, pp 201-212, DOI: 10.3280/gruoa2-2021oa15817