Good clinical practices for avoidant personality disorder

Author/s Ilario Mammone, Giancarlo Dimaggio
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/52
Language Italian Pages 25 P. 72-96 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/qpc52-2023oa16175
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This review focuses on the diagnostic aspects of and the treatments for Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD). Current studies underline the close relationship between AvPD and social anxiety disorder and the stability of symptoms as well as the social and economic impact of the disorder. Although little empirical evidence exists, data in favor of psychotherapeutic interventions appear to be promising. Particularly encouraging are findings from cognitive-behavioral orientation therapies, including third wave ones. While studies on patients with severe AvPD are appearing, sufficiently powered randomized controlled trials are still lacking. The available evidence suggests some medium to long term goals to be pursued, that is overcoming patterns of inhibition and social withdrawal, regulating feelings of inadequacy and sensitivity to social criticism, and tackling rejection sensitivity. sustaining reflexive and metacognitive capacities and interrupting repetitive thinking is also suggested. We currently know that AvPD is a disorder with serious symptom comorbidity and social problems, and larger randomized clinical trials are urgently needed to advance our understanding on how to best treat it.

Keywords: ; Avoidant Personality Disorder; social withdrawal; guidelines; psychotherapy

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