Clinical and psychopathological conceptualizations of psychotic onsets from late nineteenth century to the I Gen

Author/s Riccardo Piero Dalle Luche
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2023/2
Language Italian Pages 21 P. 119-139 File size 731 KB
DOI 10.3280/RSF2023-002008
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The updated wide psychiatric literature concerning psychotic onsets in adolescence does not refer at all to classical conceptualizations of Hebephrenia, described by Hecker in 1871, that represents the clinical core of kraepelinian Dementia praecox and of the following conceptualizations of Eugen Bleuler’s Schizophrenia. These early onset clinical psychoses have been deeply analysed with psychopathologic analysis in the twentieth cen- tury and renamed as Polymorph Simplex Schizophrenia and Subapophanic Schizophrenia. These classical conceptualizations and clinical descriptions should be revisited by psychiatrists and psychotherapists of our times in or- der to enhance their abilities to evaluate correctly onsets at high psychotic risks. The crisis of categorial nosography and the widespread acceptance of late neurodevelopmental models of psychopathology in adolescence, the many comorbidities and changes of diagnoses in adolescence and early youth and, at last, the large aspecificity of symptomathology, concur in reshaping the psychotic onsets in dynamic, dimensional and psychopathological mod- els. At last, the radical changes of values, cognitive attitudes and patterns of behaviours of digital natives (I Gen), can easily confuse the clinical evalua- tions preventing the young patients from receiving appropriate treatments.

Keywords: Psychotic onsets, Schizophrenia, Hebephrenia, Dementia praecox, Subapophanic schizophrenia, IGen.

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Riccardo Piero Dalle Luche, Concettualizzazioni cliniche e psicopatologiche degli esordi psicotici dalla seconda metà dell’800 ai nativi digitali in "RIVISTA SPERIMENTALE DI FRENIATRIA" 2/2023, pp 119-139, DOI: 10.3280/RSF2023-002008