Between research and action: a thematic analysis of teachers’ professional development

Journal title CADMO
Author/s Maurizio Gentile, Elisa Truffelli, Chiara Bertolini, Alessandra Rosa
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2023/2
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 41-58 File size 297 KB
DOI 10.3280/CAD2023-002004
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The study shows the results of a thematic analysis carried out on 13 teacher professional development projects coordinated by university research groups. Before the analysis, researchers identified 11 categories derived from the study of the teacher professional development literature. Two blind analysts conducted the analysis, which was validated by the inter-rater reliability. The main findings show the following evidence: a) the projects approach teachers’ professional development through different research methods, with a prevalence of qualitative methods; b) projects are frequently oriented to teacher education purposes rather than to measure variables or overcome educational problems; c) professional development is mainly interpreted as a subjective change of beliefs, attitudes and teaching practices. Further improvements in data collection, sources and methods, as well as analysis strategies, may or may not confirm, to some or a lesser extent, the current results.

Keywords: Professional development, Thematic analysis, Research methods, Teachers, University research groups.

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Maurizio Gentile, Elisa Truffelli, Chiara Bertolini, Alessandra Rosa, Tra ricerca e azione: un’analisi tematica dello sviluppo professionale dei docenti in "CADMO" 2/2023, pp 41-58, DOI: 10.3280/CAD2023-002004