Gambling Disorder: A look at the “new” users

Journal title MISSION
Author/s Sara Rolando, Sonia Ammesso, Elvira Arcidiacono, Maddalena Calcagno, Gaia Cuomo, Stefano Golasmici, Monica Pimpini, Annalisa Pistuddi, Patrizia Sofia, Federico Durbano
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2023/62
Language Italian Pages 7 P. 16-22 File size 0 KB
DOI 10.3280/mis62-2023oa16568
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By giving a voice to clients of the ASST Melegnano and Martesana services in treatment for gambling disorders, this qualitative study was conducted to investigate experiences and opinions of two specific targets - women and online gamblers - who, although representing a minority, are expected to grow in numbers. In fact, both women's and online gambling have specific characteristics, resulting from the intersection of socio-cultural factors, gaming environments and technical infrastructures. The contribution therefore offers a synthesis of the theoretical knowledge on the two topics, in the light of which the results of a focus group and some individual interviews are presented and discussed, highlighting the main aspects useful for constructing interventions capable to provide tailored answers to the two targets’ specific needs.

Keywords: ; problem gambling; women; online gambling; gambling careers; self-regulation

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Sara Rolando, Sonia Ammesso, Elvira Arcidiacono, Maddalena Calcagno, Gaia Cuomo, Stefano Golasmici, Monica Pimpini, Annalisa Pistuddi, Patrizia Sofia, Federico Durbano, Disturbo da Gioco d’Azzardo: uno sguardo sui “nuovi” utenti in "MISSION" 62/2023, pp 16-22, DOI: 10.3280/mis62-2023oa16568