Young Italians’ Relationship with Science and Technology. Data analysis from the Science, Technology, and Society Observatory 2007-2023

Author/s Andrea Rubin, Barbara Saracino
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2023/2
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 153-172 File size 416 KB
DOI 10.3280/WE2023-002011
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The relationship between the younger generations, science and technology has been the subject of growing interest in recent decades and has seen the emergence of numerous initiatives aimed at investigating the educational attainment, motivation and, more generally, the orientation towards research activities and scientific organizations on the part of young people. Understanding the younger generation’s views on science and technology remains a matter of strategic importance. The contribution presents the results of an annual monitoring conducted by Observa Science in Society from 2007 to 2023 on representative samples of the Italian population. The surveys return relevant results on six domains: scientific and technological knowledge, exposure to science through the media, participation in scientific events and shows, credibility of information sources, opinions towards science and technology, trust in science and scientists. The data highlight high levels of scientific literacy and interest in science and technology among young people, but also articulate and ambivalent views on the role of technoscience in society, the risks associated with scientific research and its implications.

Keywords: youth; science and technology; public opinion; public understand-ing of science.

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Andrea Rubin, Barbara Saracino, I rapporti dei giovani italiani con la scienza e la tecnologia. Analisi sui dati dell’Osservatorio Scienza Tecnologia e Società 2007-2023 in "WELFARE E ERGONOMIA" 2/2023, pp 153-172, DOI: 10.3280/WE2023-002011