Sustainability, Financial Stability and Economic Growth between State and EU within the perimeter of the Republican Constitution

Author/s Elisa Cavasino
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 32 P. 97-128 File size 227 KB
DOI 10.3280/DC2024-002006
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Sustainability, financial stability and growth are principles that have taken on different meanings in constitutional law, EU law and the scientific analyses of jurists, economists and statisticians. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the transposition of these principles into the language of constitutional law. It will be taken into account the effect of the constitutional revisions of the last few decades, dwelling on the need for constitutionalists to develop a constitutionally-oriented reading of these principles in the light of the principle of solidarity and its declinations in Part I of the Constitution and in the relations between the State and the Autonomies. It will be also discussed the possibility of tracing parameters, arguments and practices in EU law in order to assess whether it is possible to make the structure of these principles consistent with the constitutional framework. It seems urgent to transpose the constitutional concept of sustainability in financial and accounting matters throughout the use of indicators alternatives to the GDP (the BES) within the budget cycle.

Keywords: sostenibilità, stabilità finanziaria, crescita economica, Costituzione, Stato, Unione europea; Sustainability, Financial Stability, Economic growth, Constitution, Sta-te, European Union.

Elisa Cavasino, Sostenibilità, stabilità finanziaria e crescita: il linguaggio della Costituzione in "DIRITTO COSTITUZIONALE" 2/2024, pp 97-128, DOI: 10.3280/DC2024-002006