The grafting of corporate organisational modules Under the partnership framework: Companies under the new Contract Code public

Author/s Luciano Salomoni
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 18 P. 305-322 File size 81 KB
DOI 10.3280/EP2024-002004
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The Code of Public Contracts contains the regulations on special purpose vehi-cle. The institute originates from the project companies but the Code has not made a mere change of name, introducing the mandatory nature of their estab-lishment for the above-threshold entrustments and, above all, the generalization for all public procurement operations. The expansion desired by the legislator leads to an examination of the provisions on the discipline of the target compa-nies, which have a particular, on which the contribution intends to focus: the in-corporation into the Code of Public Contracts of regulatory regulation of the le-gal form of a corporate body, with the consequent implications in terms of rela-tionships between sources and effects on the private autonomy of economic op-erators.

Keywords: public procurement, purpose companies, partnership.

Jel codes: K23

Luciano Salomoni, L’innesto di moduli organizzativi societari nell’ambito della disciplina sul parternariato: le società di scopo nel nuovo codice dei contratti pubblici in "ECONOMIA PUBBLICA " 2/2024, pp 305-322, DOI: 10.3280/EP2024-002004