Environmental crimes and institutional response in the “lung of the world”

Author/s Deborah De Felice, Vicente Riccio, Giuseppe Giura
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 22-40 File size 266 KB
DOI 10.3280/SISS2024-002003
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This study presents the initial findings of a research reconstructing the dynam-ics of environmental crimes in two municipalities of Amazonas State: Apuí and Lábrea, in Brazil, and analyses the institutional response to these crimes, as de-scribed by the institutional actors. The research uses a qualitative methodology and involves conducting semi-structured interviews with criminal justice profes-sionals who handle environmental crimes in the specified area.

Keywords: environmental crimes; actors of legal culture; criminal organiza-tions; qualitative methodology; judicial practices.

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Deborah De Felice, Vicente Riccio, Giuseppe Giura, Crimini ambientali e risposta istituzionale nel “polmone del mondo” in "SICUREZZA E SCIENZE SOCIALI" 2/2024, pp 22-40, DOI: 10.3280/SISS2024-002003