Unions and industrial policies in transition: the case of industria italiana autobus

Author/s Charlotte Bez, Angelo Castellani, Emanuela La Rocca, Gianluca Sala
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 41-59 File size 420 KB
DOI 10.3280/ES2024-002004
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In Italy the transportation sector is one of the main contributors annual CO₂ emissions, with private mobility accounting for 70 percent of road vehicle emissions. The ecological transition, which includes the electrification of means of transport and the strengthening of public transport system by the state, is crucial for mitigating these emissions. This paper analyses the role of the Italian Federation of Metalworkers (Fiom) during the crisis of the company Industria Italiana Autobus (Iia), focusing on the union’s agenda on ecological transition and industrial policies. The research methodology is based on semi-structured interviews with Fiom members in Bologna and Avellino. The findings reveal a common perspective of the ecological transition as an opportunity to enhance employment and produce socially useful goods. It is perceived not as a threat, but as a strategy to secure a sustainable future, promoting alliances between trade unions and environmental movements.

Keywords: Trade Unions, Transportation Sector, Ecological Transition, Industrial Politics

Jel codes: J51, L92, O33, Q57

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Charlotte Bez, Angelo Castellani, Emanuela La Rocca, Gianluca Sala, Sindacato e politiche industriali in transizione. Il caso di industria italiana autobus in "ECONOMIA E SOCIETÀ REGIONALE " 2/2024, pp 41-59, DOI: 10.3280/ES2024-002004