Terminable and interminable relationship: suspended separations and precious objects

Journal title INTERAZIONI
Author/s Giancarlo Di Luzio
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/2
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 108-119 File size 179 KB
DOI 10.3280/INT2024-002009
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The work describes the cases of four patients, still in analysis, in whom the breakdown of emotional relationships produced “suspended separations”. The hypothesis is that the phe-nomenon of “sine fine” suspension is supported by one or more “internal objects” or “self-objects”, precious and unmissable as they are idealized, so “precious” that they cannot be lost if the separative event occurred. The analysis revealed that the subjects of the cases had, in the unconscious fantasy, a lasting relational experience with an idealized “internal object” or with a “twin self-object” within an idealized twin couple.

Keywords: “suspended separations”, idealization, idealized internal objects, idealizing self-object experiences, mirroring self-object experiences, twin/alter-egoic self-object experiences, unconscious fantasy, suspended separations.

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Giancarlo Di Luzio, Relazioni terminabili e interminabili: separazioni sospese e oggetti preziosi in "INTERAZIONI" 2/2024, pp 108-119, DOI: 10.3280/INT2024-002009