The comparison between models in theories of consciousness and psychoanalysis with particular regard to predictive processing

Author/s Stefano Fissi
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/4
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 567-588 File size 194 KB
DOI 10.3280/PU2024-004003
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Cognitive neuroscience and depth psychology confront each other on the models of perception-consciousness-thought. There is a parallelism between the relationship between ac-cess/phenomenal consciousness and the repressed/unrepressed unconscious. In order to survive, organisms must minimize the impact of environmental variations on homeostatic parameters, i.e., the surprise given by the deviation of unexpected events from those compatible with life. Friston theorized the principle of free energy, which places an upper limit on surprise, as opposed to the tendency to increase entropy. The brain is a predictive machine that anticipates change and con-structs reality by interpreting perceptual data based on unconscious inferences to the best possible explanation based on data in memory and testing predictions on sensory data. Consciousness arises from the detection of homeostatic imbalances and from the adaptive response given by af-fective feelings.

Keywords: Friston’s free energy principle; Predictive coding; Active inference; Surprise; Predictive error minimization

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Stefano Fissi, Il confronto tra modelli nelle teorie della coscienza e nella psicoanalisi con particolare riguardo alla elaborazione predittiva in "PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE" 4/2024, pp 567-588, DOI: 10.3280/PU2024-004003