Journal title SOCIETÀ E STORIA
Author/s Paolo Grillo
Publishing Year 2024 Issue 2024/186
Language Italian Pages 28 P. 673-700 File size 304 KB
DOI 10.3280/SS2024-186001
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The essay addresses the problem of the role of popular assemblies in the government of Italian cities in the 12th century through the study of the case of Milan. Analyzing the chronicles, the essay highlights that the assemblies were convened often and on a large number of topics. Also if the testimonies are not numerous, the assemblies could also reject the decisions taken by the consuls: the consuls therefore had to carefully formulate their proposals and express them with speeches skilfully constructed according to the rules of rhetoric, capable of convincing the population. The assemblies, therefore, had a central role in the city government, not only from an ideological point of view, but also because they exerted a preventive influence on the actions of the consuls, conditioned by the need to obtain popular approval for their decisions.
Keywords: Italian communes, consuls, popular assemblies, 12th Century.
Paolo Grillo, “Cum in ipsa concione esset orator”. Parola pubblica, assemblee popolari e governo della città a Milano negli anni delle guerre di Federico Barbarossa (1154-1176) in "SOCIETÀ E STORIA " 186/2024, pp 673-700, DOI: 10.3280/SS2024-186001