The Variable Setting and the Link: two characters in search of an author

Journal title INTERAZIONI
Author/s Giuseppe Saraò, Lucia Zani, Maddalena Di Lillo, Marta Bigozzi
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/1
Language Italian Pages 12 P. 81-92 File size 394 KB
DOI 10.3280/INT2013-001006
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The significance of the setting in the treatment of serious patients, adolescents, couples and especially families, has in recent years assumed great centrality. A background that fosters the therapeutic process is transformed into added value. In particular, we focus on the frame of the setting, not only with respect to the sediment which is naturally conveyed in any therapy, but especially at the boundaries when it is desirable and necessary to change the setting. The so-called variable setting requires of the therapist both attentive maintenance and a rigorous internal setting. We move into an insidious territory but one with great prospects and developments. This involves exploring other possible settings within that therapeutic process. This perspective is less dangerous and "wild" if in this move on the edge of the frame, we rely on the concept of intersubjective link, in the meaning given by Kaës: "the specific unconscious psychic reality built by two or more subjects". It is the psychopathology of the bond that represents a possible compass with which to navigate, especially in those complex clinical situations where there is a real risk not of a temporary impasse, but of transforming a time-limited process to an endless relationship. In this direction, the frame of the setting is transformed from a powerful factor of stability, to an ambiguous border, a rift in search of meaning, a talking through the setting, a proposing, by the therapist, other configurations of meanings and possible relationships, expecting the reemergence of new areas of symbolization.

Keywords: Setting, link, variable setting, therapeutic impasse, ambiguity in the setting

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Giuseppe Saraò, Lucia Zani, Maddalena Di Lillo, Marta Bigozzi, Il setting variabile e il legame: due personaggi in cerca di autore in "INTERAZIONI" 1/2013, pp 81-92, DOI: 10.3280/INT2013-001006