Substance-induced dissociation clinic: psychoanalytic practice in a case of drug-addiction

Author/s Fabio Beni
Publishing Year 2013 Issue 2013/2
Language Italian Pages 33 P. 39-71 File size 684 KB
DOI 10.3280/RPR2013-002004
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In this paper the author tries to illustrate the concept of substance-induced dissociation through the use of clinical case reports. In reviewing Elisa’s case, one can observe the outcomes this dissociative process generates at every level. Under the influence of this psychopathological process, psychological functioning, personality and physical appearance change, and this kind of change splits the psychic life and the course of life events in different sealed compartments ‒ in this case one can lose the sense of life as a whole. In these circumstances, the final therapeutic objective is to contact and put together these parts. In particular the author wants to emphasize the strength of pre-transference dynamics that lead therapists to enactment, reducing their capacity for, and possibility of, thinking.

Keywords: Drug addiction, dissociation, psychoanalysis, case report, pre-transference\ repetition

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  • La dissociazione farmaco-indotta: l'orpha "chimico" come base di una nuova tecnologia analitica Fabio Beni, Daniele Santoni, in RICERCA PSICOANALITICA 1/2014 pp.55
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Fabio Beni, La clinica della dissociazione farmaco-indotta: la pratica psicoanalitica in un caso di drug-addiction in "RICERCA PSICOANALITICA" 2/2013, pp 39-71, DOI: 10.3280/RPR2013-002004