The emigration of Italian young people seeking for a job: "mobility" or "brain drain"?

Author/s Paolo Zurla
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/136
Language Italian Pages 20 P. 51-70 File size 180 KB
DOI 10.3280/SL2014-136004
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More and more often Italian young people decide to undertake an emigration path, most of the time within the European area. The main reason for their departure is connected to insufficient employment opportunities which cannot however provide an exhaustive explanation of the phenomenon. Those who leave are not only young people coming from a national disadvantaged environment, but also individuals who belong to the richest and most developed Italian regions from the socio-cultural point of view. Respect to the past migration models, the youth of today - often in possession of relevant educational qualifications (degree, master and PhD) - experience a different emigration pattern, which has gradually lost the feature of eradication from the context of origin in order to acquire the typical trait of the multiple belonging and of the reversible and changeable pathways. For its novelty and variability, but also for its relevance, the phenomenon does not have sufficient knowledge basis which will require a considerable in-depth analysis in the near future.

Keywords: Youth, mobility, Europe, brain drain, European citizenship

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Paolo Zurla, L’emigrazione dei giovani italiani alla ricerca del lavoro: "mobilità" o fuga dei cervelli? in "SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO " 136/2014, pp 51-70, DOI: 10.3280/SL2014-136004