Self-organisation, individuation and freedom practices

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Carlo Cellamare
Publishing Year 2014 Issue 2014/68
Language Italian Pages 7 P. 21-27 File size 2301 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2014-068003
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The processes of reappropriating places can be seen as ‘freedom practices’ and quests for meaning. They seek to establish spaces of autonomy, to be constructed, however, entirely within an urban environment that, conversely, has a powerful determining effect on us and conditions us in our everyday lives. These processes are characterised by certain ambiguities - in the ‘public cultures’ that they articulate, for example. These experiences offer a different way of interpreting conflict, frequently seeking recognition through an approach marked by affinity more than hegemony. These practices often stimulate the development of policy in ‘significant’ form, springing from local communities, which represent the potential place for a new ‘re-enchantment’.

Keywords: Urban practices; self-organisation; reappropriation

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Carlo Cellamare, Autorganizzazione, pratiche di libertà e individuazione in "TERRITORIO" 68/2014, pp 21-27, DOI: 10.3280/TR2014-068003