Roles, tasks and skills within the Italian reception system for asylum seekers and refugees: A comparison of professional figures

Author/s Elena Giacomelli
Publishing Year 2021 Issue 2020/2
Language Italian Pages 19 P. 113-131 File size 275 KB
DOI 10.3280/WE2020-002009
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The research pursues the objective of formulating and answering some questions relating to the role and professional skills of the social workers with asylum seekers and refugees in the Italian reception system. The case study is the Autonomous Prov a diary field notes, 55 interviews with social workers. While working in a Temporary Reception Center, with the Association Centro Astalli, the researcher has observed how the different actions, ideals and roles of social workers significantly influence and shape the experiences of asylum seekers. This study focuses in the professional figures most involved with "vulnerable" migrants - case workers, social workers and psychologists - and identify their professional point of intersection. These connections allow to detect the micro-tactics implemented in their everyday working life, comparing them with the formality of institutional procedures. An attempt was therefore made to understand which definition of "vulnerability" is taken into consideration among the various professional figures and whether there is a univocal and uniformly accepted interpretation of who a "vulnerable migrant" is. The hypothesis is that the case worker with asylum seekers and refugees has in fact professionalized within the reception system, where he developed his skills and built his own "grammars of action" (Boltanski and Thévenot, 1999). On a parallel and at times converging side, social workers and psychologists are instead professionals who were trained "outside" the world of reception systems of asylum seekers and refugees, but, once they arrived "inside", they found themselves taking on roles and professional skills that were partly new, which can sometimes bring out contrasts and contradictions, but also innovative forms of integration with those of the case workers. This basic difference entails many tensions, clashes and disagreements, especially between case workers and social workers. In particular, it often happens that the reception operator is not only not recognized as a professional and/or professionalizing worker, but is also one of the few professionals that hardly find work outside the reception system, thus risking to be (a little more) precarious than the others. The research highlights the need to critically reflect on the communities of practices and on the (new) professional skills that are built and intertwined in a working field such as the one of the reception centers.

Keywords: Migration; asylum seekers; social workers with asylum seekers and refugees; vulnerabilities; competences.

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Elena Giacomelli, Ruoli, mansioni e competenze professionali all’interno del mondo dell’accoglienza: professionalità a confronto in "WELFARE E ERGONOMIA" 2/2020, pp 113-131, DOI: 10.3280/WE2020-002009