3 issues per year, ISSN 1120-4206 , ISSNe 1826-7203

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 29.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 25.00

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Editor in chief: Agnese Carnevali,
General editor: Patrizia Gabrielli, Roberto Giulianelli
Scientific board: Franco Amatori, Luca Andreoni, Eleonora Belloni, Camillo Brezzi, Sergio Bugiardini, Mauro Canali, Carlo F. Casula, Leandra D’Antone, Paul Dietschy, Monica Fioravanzo, Marcello Flores, Dianella Gagliani, Luca Garbini, Umberto Gentiloni Silveri, Stephen Gundle, Carla Marcellini, Amoreno Martellini, Guido Melis, Barbara Montesi, Stefano Pivato, Emanuela Scarpellini, Anna Tonelli, Giovanni Vian
Editorial board: Marianna Astore (segreteria), Maria Paola Del Rossi, Pamela Galeazzi, Isabella Insolvibile, Marco Labbate, Emanuela Locci, Mario Perugini, Matteo Petracci

Quadrimestrale dell’Istituto regionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione nelle Marche (Istituto Storia Marche), Via Villafranca, 1 - 60122 Ancona - tel. 071-2071205 e tel/fax 071-202271 www.storiamarche900 - E mail:

All the articles published in "Storia e problemi contermporanei" are previously examined by members of the scientific board. The articles that appear in the SAGGI and RICERCHE sections are submitted to the judgment of two anonymous referees external to the scientific board and to the editorial staff. This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. The journal periodically publishes the names of external referees. The indexes of "Storia e problemi contemporanei" as well as the full pdf of some papers are available on the website of the Istituto Storia Marche.

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Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

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ANVUR scientific Journal: Area 10, Area 11, Area 13, Area 14
Anvur classe A for: area 11/A3 (Contemporary history) -

Issue 76/2017