Rivista di diritto agroalimentare e dell’ambiente

2 issues per year, ISSN 1828-194X , ISSNe 1971-8373

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 51.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 42.00

Journal of Agro-industrial and Environmental Law
The Journal aims to foster and facilitate dialogue and promote a shared interpretation of legal and economic instruments and institutional policies through multidisciplinary and international debate. The project is premised on the belief that the new lines of the common agricultural policy and the development prospects of global trade increasingly require original instruments of observation capable of grouping together under a single perspective different interpretations of the changes affecting the agricultural sector's entire rules' system, its laws and legislation. Agricultural productive activities are not only progressively expanding towards an increasingly important agro-industrial sector, but are also, and at the same time, expressing a new social function, one concerning safeguarding the environment and human health. They are also more relevant than they have ever been to the relationships between the world's North and the South. In view of the complexity and the extent of these issues, all of which require flexible policies and efficient institutions, the Journal sets out to provide a point of reference and a forum for multidisciplinary and international scientific debate.

General Editor: Francesco Adornato (direttore), Luigi Costato, Lucio Francario, Alberto Germanò, Marco Goldoni, Carlo Alberto Graziani, Antonio Jannarelli
Scientific board: Piero Bevilacqua, Giovanni Cannata, Francesco Capograssi, Sabino Cassese, Corrado Giacomini, Vitantonio Gioia, Dietrich Gorny, Sergio Marchisio
Executive board: Ferdinando Albisinni (Università della Tuscia), Aleksey Aleksandrov (Università di Mosca - MGIMO), Paolo Borghi (Università di Ferrara), Francesco Bruno (Università del Molise), Roman Budzinowski (Università di Pozńan), Irene Canfora (Università di Bari), Catherine Del Cont (Università di Nantes), Alessandra Di Lauro (Università di Pisa), Marsha Echols (Howard University di Washington), Marianna Giuffrida (Università di Messina), Pamela Lattanzi (Università di Macerata), Lorenza Paoloni (Università del Molise), Margherita Scoppola (Università di Macerata), Stefano Spalletti (Università di Macerata), Anna Ilaria Trapè (Università di Macerata), Zbigniew Witkowski (Università di Toruń)
Editors: Matteo Benozzo, Cesare Bugiani, Giulia Follenti, Clelia Losavio, Monica Sabbatini, Anna Ilaria Trapè (coordinatore)
Editorial staff: Università degli Studi di Macerata - Dipartimento di Scienze politiche, della comunicazione e delle relazioni internazionali, Via Don Minzoni 22/a Tel. 0733.2582878 - E-mail:

Editorial staff: Università degli Studi di Macerata - Dipartimento di Scienze politiche, della comunicazione e delle relazioni internazionali, Via Don Minzoni 22/a Tel. 0733.2582878 - E-mail:

Editorial Guidelines
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Article Processing Charges & Fees

The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section:

The circulation of the journal is intended to enhance the impact in the academic community, the world of applied research, professional associations and representative institutions.

Issue 2-3/2012