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The Review Sicurezza e scienze sociali intends to promote a critical and current analysis on the deviance processes and its numerous implications, the forms of the crime- organized and non-, victims of crimes and the social injustice, the social effects of the Justice and the safety of the community. The primary focus is that, in the globalization era, all those issues assume, inevitably, new complexity; it’s necessary, therefore, face them from a compared point of view. It’s necessary understand how the consequences of those trends affect multiple- and different- fields: for this reason it’s impossible to prescind from the international point of view, together with the national one, in all the researches and reflections. If the past the major attention was focused on the risk factors analysis, nowadays it is fundamental to focus on what we define "vulnerability factors", elements that allowed perspective changes and produce a honest and deeper interpretation of the trends we intent to analyse. The entire society is affected by those trends: not only the individual person and the community but also associations, organizations and institutions that create the society. The outcomes of those processes assume importance and validity both in a cultural and operative terms; for this reason the Review is composed by all the contributions of scholars, researcher and operators interested in criminology, victimology, law and justice, economy and public policies, social psychology and cultural anthropology. At the same time, the Review is create for those who work in these areas, representing a moment of discussion and cooperation. According to this perspective, the major interest areas are: CRIMINOLOGY: that investigates the causes of crime in order to elaborate control and preventive strategies. Traditionally, it has three different orientations: the bioanthropological orientation that tries to create connection between the crime and the biological, chromosomal abnormality of the person who commit the crime; the psychological orientation that considers the crime as the product of a pathology and the socio-environmental orientation that develops the idea that the origin of the crime needs to be researched back in the criminal social environment DEVIANCE: that in a sociological perspective is all those behaviour or individual expressions that the majority of the society consider not in a keeping with legitimate norms, values or traditions. The relativity of the deviance concept is a conditio sine qua non for its heuristic interpretation: a certain society, based on certain norms (laws), is needed to define what is deviant or not; the idea of deviance itself does not exist. Deviance is a social fact par excellence, that leads to different practical situations and numerous theoretic interpretations. LAW: starting from the observation of the criminal law, "shaken up" in its "classical" fundamental basis and from the observation that the legislator is more and more far from the "real" demand of justice of the community, and it is wayward to receive the virtuous requests of the "good" criminal policies. The biggest risk is that the criminal law will refuse to "understand" the crime, confusing cause and consequences, and end up to intervene tracking "symbolic" path if not, in some case, illiberal. It appears to be necessary, in order to dealing with crime, using a legal point of view together wit social science, in a context of collaboration. JUSTICE: meaning a code that rules all the behaviours of the community, that promotes the safety and well-being of all individuals, recognizing their human dignity towards fair and just actions of the institutions. The major aim of the justice is to remove all the discriminatory factors in health care, cognitive ability, significant relations, autodetermination. The attention to the social consequences of a sanction to a norm violation it’s renewed and the way in which the major politic and social institution distribute fundamentals rights and duties and determine advantages of social cooperation. In this sense Justice is the regulation of relations among people and between people and society. SECURITY/SAFETY: in social sciences is one of the major analysed concept ad a part of individual fundamental rights, that need to be addressed before and in function of other needs. The attention is focused on all general event (physical- social transformation, informal and formal social control relation between society and institution) that can influence and determine the safety dimension for the contemporary subject, a mix of material conditions, perceptions, individual and collective representation that permit a person to be sure to be able to face adequately a potential threat. VICTIMOLOGY: focused on crime victims, victims of power abuse, social injustice and marginalization. Three are the major orientations: criminal victimology (or positive), general victimology and clinic victimology. Victimology operates at a theorical and aetiological level, studying the causes that lead to the damaging event- including the possible role of the victim- and it operates to a operative level promoting prevention and intervention in order to limit the creation of victimizing situations, particularly among the most vulnerable part of the population. Finally, the victimology concurr to the elaboration and the predisposition of instruments that could help the circulation of knowledge about victimization process among the community.

General Editor Sabina Curti
International scientific board: Costantino Cipolla (Università di Bologna), Philippe Combessie (Université Paris Nanterre), Christophe Dubois (Université de Liège), Lucio d’Alessandro (Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli), Maria Caterina Federici (Università degli Studi di Perugia), Fabrizio Fornari (Università degli Studi "G. D’Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara), Tito Marci (Università di Roma "La Sapienza"), Dario Melossi (Università di Bologna), Massimiliano Mulone (Université de Montréal, Centre International de Criminologie comparée), Miguel Angel Nunez Paz (Universidad de Huelva, ES), Franco Prina (Università di Torino), Monica Raiteri (Università di Macerata), Annamaria Rufino (Università della Campania), Ernesto Ugo Savona (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano), Raffaella Sette (Università di Bologna), Francesco Sidoti (Università dell’Aquila), Jan Spurk (Université Paris Descartes Sorbonne), Susanna Vezzadini (Università di Bologna), Emilio Viano (American University - Washington, DC)
Editorial board: Andrea Antonilli (Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara), Andrea Borghini (Università di Pisa), Francesco Calderoni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano), Uliano Conti (Università degli Studi di Perugia), Luca Corchia (Università di Pisa), Fabio D’Andrea (Università degli Studi di Perugia), Maurizio Esposito (Università degli Studi di Cassino), Stefania Ferraro (Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Napoli), Silvia Fornari (Università degli Studi di Perugia), Enrico Gargiulo (Università di Bologna), Rosita Garzi (Università degli Studi di Perugia), Mariagrazia Galantino (Università di Roma "La Sapienza), Maria Cristina Marchetti (Università di Roma"La Sapienza"), Cirus Rinaldi (Università di Palermo), Emanuele Rossi (Università di Roma Tre), Chiara Scivoletto (Università di Parma), Anna Simone (Università di Roma Tre), Giovanna Truda (Università degli Studi di Salerno), Francesca Vianello (Università di Padova)

Editors: Elisa Moroni (PhD Università di Perugia)
Editorial staff:

Manuscripts are blind-reviewed by two anonymous referees.

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ANVUR scientific journal: Area 14, Top-level academic journal, rated ‘A’ according to the ranking of the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (Anvur): scientific areas 14/C1 (General sociology) and 14/C3 (Sociology of political and legal phenomena)

The circulation of the journal is intended to enhance the impact in the academic community, the world of applied research, professional associations and representative institutions.

Issue 3EN/2013 The perception of the Italian Mafias abroad and foreign organised crime in Italy. Francesco Calderoni, Stefano Caneppele, Maurizio Esposito, Ernesto Ugo Savona. (edited by)