Negative acts: indicators of mobbing risk at work

Titolo Rivista RISORSA UOMO
Autori/Curatori Marco Depolo, Dina Guglielmi, e Marco Giovanni Mariani
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2008/2
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 18 P. 189-206 Dimensione file 114 KB
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Negative acts could be considered indexes of mobbing risk in workplace. Researching on these events is useful to plan interventions to prevent mobbing cases. In this research (N = 164), main aims are to study negative acts in an organization and to investigate whether these events are associated with work variables (i.e. roles, departments) and perceptions of organizational and subjective well-being. Results show that negative acts pertaining to Work related bullying were more frequent than negative events pertaining to Personal Bullying. Moreover different level of negative acts were found in different departments of the organization. Generally, in the departments where there were higher levels of Negative acts we found lower level of organizational and subjective well-being. Keywords: negative acts, mobbing, work, mobbing risk, organizational well-being.;

Marco Depolo, Dina Guglielmi, e Marco Giovanni Mariani, Negative acts: indicators of mobbing risk at work in "RISORSA UOMO " 2/2008, pp 189-206, DOI: