Libri di Architettura, design, territorio

La ricerca ha estratto dal catalogo 130 titoli

Le pastoralisme de montagne, défini comme l’ensemble des activités d’élevage valorisant par un pâturage extensif les ressources fourragères spontanées des espaces naturels montagneux, joue un rôle non négligeable dans la production de produits de qualité. Toutefois, des pressions d’ordre économique, politique et environnemental viennent aujourd’hui défier cette activité. Ce mode d’élevage extensif souffre ainsi par exemple des conséquences du changement climatique avec notamment des sécheresses impactant la végétation présente en altitude. Cette étude vise donc à explorer la littérature de la résilience et des systèmes socio-écologiques afin de déterminer si les activités pastorales de montagne en France détiennent des caractéristiques de résilience.

cod. 11111.9

Mediterranean Urban Campus for Regeneration at the Dubai 2020 Expo

Urban Open Spaces toward the New Challenges of Adaptivity

Adaptivity of the urban open spaces to face the climatic, socio-ecological, multicultural and health challenges, raises questions with multiple design implications, which cannot be solved only with the functional, formal, and technical rethinking of the space. Today, the metropolis of Dubai is characterized by an extreme climatic-environmental conditions and, at the same time, by an almost infinite capacity to regulate the living spaces through the most innovative technologies. The theme of adaptive design of open urban spaces has been contextualized in some case-study areas of Dubai. The results outlined a complex framework of different development trajectories, both for the designing innovation of the urban open spaces, and for the launch of new teaching methods of architectural, technological, and urban project.

cod. 10086.1.1

ICS Materials

Interactive, connected, and smart materials

This present book covers a series of outstanding reputation researchers’ contributions on the topic of ICS Materials applicable to several contexts such as product, interaction design, materials science and many more.

cod. 10319.7

Silvia Maria Gramegna

Interior design as a tool for dementia care

Experiences and guidelines for the Therapeutic Habitat Model

This book investigates the role of interior design in the enhancement of the effectiveness of Non-Pharmacological therapies for Alzheimer’s disease care.  The author presents the conceptual model for an environmental system called “Therapeutic Habitat”, meant as a system of environmental interventions, based on tangible and intangible aspects, products and furniture, objects and services. Its aim is to enhance the well-being of people with dementia and stimulate recognition and interaction with the surrounding environment.

cod. 10319.8

The Jetsons' Kitchen

A zero-mile system for waste water recycling and cultivation

The book aims to investigate the up-cycling of domestic effluents for plant production, bringing together a series of considerations by an interdisciplinary group of researchers from the Politecnico di Milano, Università Statale di Milano and Università di Roma Tor Vergata, ranging from biology to design through sociology and architectural composition. Integrating vegetable cultivation in the domestic environment with reusing kitchen wastewater for irrigation is a promising strategy for reducing freshwater consumption and raising environmental awareness among citizens.

cod. 11810.2.4

Cristiano Giorda

L’immagine del mondo nella geografia dei bambini

Una ricerca sui materiali scolastici e parascolastici italiani fra Otto e Novecento

Il libro nasce nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca “Atlanti e manuali di geografia, dal passato di carta al futuro digitale”, finanziato nel 2017 dal Settore Promozione dei beni librari e archivistici, editoria e istituti culturali della Regione Piemonte, che ha consentito di digitalizzare oltre 5000 pagine e di inventariare, studiare e schedare oltre 200 materiali, presenti nella biblioteca della Fondazione Tancredi di Barolo di Torino. L’obiettivo primario della pubblicazione è quello di presentare questo materiale, pubblicato fra Otto e Novecento evidenziandone il ruolo nella formazione dell’immaginario geografico, un aspetto rilevante, ma poco approfondito, della manualistica scolastica.

cod. 11787.9

La coscienza ambientale legata alle infrastrutture stradali è notevolmente mutata negli ultimi vent’anni, tendendo sempre di più alla considerazione della sostenibilità ambientale nei progetti di nuove infrastrutture e negli adeguamenti delle strade esistenti. Il presente manuale si inserisce in questo panorama, cercando di fornire le linee di indirizzo per risolvere il problema di come affrontare operativamente e razionalmente i progetti di adeguamento di infrastrutture esistenti, sia urbane che extraurbane, con particolare riferimento alla sicurezza stradale ma anche alla sostenibilità.

cod. 12000.15

Representation Challenges

Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Cultural Heritage and Innovative Design Domain

Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are technological domains that closely interact with space at architectural and urban scale in the broader ambits of cultural heritage and innovative design. The growing interest is perceivable in many fields of knowledge, supported by the rapid development and advancement of theory and application, software and devices. This book collects 66 papers and identify eight lines of research that may guide future developments.

cod. 10342.2

Digitally enhanced design

Breakthrough tools, processes, and expressive potentials

The book explores evolving perspectives on furniture, interior, spatial and architectural design, providing a multifaceted view of how the design discipline and practice deal with the complex and ever-evolving interplay between the physical and the digital realms. It explores the new frontiers of digitally enhanced design, investigating how computation capabilities impact the design discipline and designers’ thinking and practice, proposing captivating portraits of digitally enhanced design possibilities, from tools and processes to expressive potentials.

cod. 10319.9

Connettere Connecting

Un disegno per annodare e tessere. Drawing for weaving relationships. Linguaggi, Distanze, Tecnologie

Connettere: un disegno per annodare e tessere è il tema pensato per il 42° Convegno internazionale della Unione Italiana per il Disegno 2020: la connessione tra i saperi è una possibilità per riportare i ragionamenti nel quadro dei processi globali che ne evidenziano la complessità, ma anche la ricchezza e le potenzialità che questi possono assumere nel contesto del patrimonio di conoscenze di cui disporre e di cui avvalersi.

Connecting: drawing for weaving relationships is the theme conceived for the 42nd International Conference of Teachers of the Disciplines of Representation, planned for 2020: the connection between the fields of knowledge is a possibility to bring the reasoning back into the framework of the global processes that evidence its reticularity, its complexity and the potential in the context of the cognitive heritage that is to be available and used.

cod. 10342.3