Libri di Pubblicazioni in Open Access

La ricerca ha estratto dal catalogo 136 titoli

Emerging Materials & Technologies

New approaches in Design Teaching Methods on four exemplified areas

The book focuses on four exemplified EM&Ts areas as results of the methods, gaps and issues related to their teaching methods. The four areas are: Experimental Wood-Based EM&Ts, Interactive Connected Smart (ICS) Materials Wearable-based, Carbon-based & Nanotech EM&Ts and Advanced Growing. It provides the setting up of a common/ novel method to teaching EM&Ts: to create new professional in young students, and to develop new guidelines and approach.

cod. 10319.5

Estela Brahimllari

Multi-layered participatory budgeting

The case of low-income neighbourhoods in Paris

The city of Paris has launched in 2014 an ambitious PB (participatory budgeting) experience of about 100 million euros per year, with a third of the budget dedicated to low-income neighbourhoods. Focusing on these areas, the study aims to investigate the potential of the Paris PB to address social inequalities and be inclusive of the most marginalized social groups. Findings indicate the need for several changes in the structure and implementation of the process, while the distribution of PB projects in low-income areas appears to be affected by their ongoing gentrification.

cod. 11111.3

Pasquale Colonna, Nicola Berloco, Paolo Intini, Vittorio Ranieri

Road Safety

Technical solutions to a behavioural and technological problem with a scientific approach

All governments of countries provided with a significant road network are orienting their investments towards the enhancement of existing infrastructures, particularly considering road safety. This book is aimed to provide both the scientific background and an operational framework for safety enhancement of existing roads, applicable regardless of the specific country. This book was strongly aimed to be an open access edition, in order to disseminate as much as possible the cutting-edge methods in road safety engineering.

cod. 12000.12

Alessandro Biamonti

Essere Designer

Riflessioni su un nuovo approccio all'interpretazione e alla pratica del design

Dalle scuole del mondo escono ogni anno migliaia di nuovi giovani Designer, che entrano in un enorme network planetario, professionale, culturale e accademico. Questo libro propone una riflessione sulla professione del Designer, per aprire una discussione che può aiutare i giovani Designer a capire il loro lavoro; le aziende a capire il ruolo dei Designer e le persone a capire il Design.

cod. 10085.5

Carla Sedini

Collectively Designing Social Worlds

History and Potential of Social Innovation

What are the social facts that led to the need to activate social innovation processes? What is (and what can be) the role of design in these processes?
The challenges of modernity and post-modernity have led designers to become often protagonists and activators of sustainable and social innovation processes, possible thanks to users' and stakeholders' involvement in co-creation processes.
This book adopts a multidisciplinary approach to eviscerate social innovation as a concept with its foundation in theoretical, political, and methodological domains. The present discussion will be based on sociology and design. The first will mainly define the theoretical framework of reference; the second will mostly deal with experimental and applied research dealing with social innovation.

cod. 10319.6

Design e didattica a distanza

Le "lezioni" del lockdown

Per effetto della pandemia COVID 19, da qualche mese la didattica a distanza (DAD) è velocemente passata dallo status di remota curiosità tecnologica alla quotidiana modalità in cui portiamo avanti il nostro lavoro di docenti/progettisti. Per la didattica del design ciò ha significato ricalibrare le esperienze attorno a cui le strategie di insegnamento si sono a lungo appoggiate. In questo volume si riflette sull’insegnabilità del design e su quali abilità sia più importante trasmettere ai nostri studenti.

cod. 10085.6

Elisa Ascione, Elisabetta Bernardi, Silvana Chiesa, Giuseppe Pulina

Il Mediterraneo, Tempio della Dieta

Storia, tradizione e aspetti nutrizionali della dieta mediterranea

Il decennale del riconoscimento della Dieta Mediterranea quale Patrimonio Immateriale dell’Umanità da parte dell’UNESCO offre l’occasione per alcune importanti riflessioni, sia sotto l’aspetto antropologico, che sotto quello nutrizionale, caposaldo di una corretta alimentazione che garantisce benessere e longevità a chi la pratica. Gli autori di questo volume vanno oltre la rappresentazione a piramide della Dieta Mediterranea e ne propongono la raffigurazione attraverso il simbolo del Tempio, che costituisce un approccio allargato al significato originale di Dieta. L’iconografia proposta, infatti, include sia gli alimenti che gli aspetti sociali e tradizionali dei popoli che abitano il Mediterraneo.

cod. 11810.2.3

Emiliano Tolusso

Charting the uncharted

Making space for climate change science in Alpine protected areas

Protected areas are among the most common and successful instruments for conserving the environmental features of different regions. However, climate change is leading the scientific community to a turning point in designing conservation plans and practices: protected areas cannot held climate change on the edge of their borders, but need adaptation pathways to the new climatic conditions. Building on the literature inherited by the field of the geography of science, the research experiments an array of computational and qualitative methodologies to reconstruct the landscape of science making in protected areas. The final goal is to shed light on the geography of scientific information that shapes the Alps, one of the most crucial conservation regions in Europe, in the face of the looming changes that global warming entails.

cod. 11111.4

L’essere sospesi in una situazione di incertezza è una condizione che, per la prima volta nella storia dell’umanità, collega trasversalmente le vite delle persone, indipendentemente dalla loro collocazione geografica e condizione sociale. Tema generale di questo libro è appunto il rapporto con l’abitare in questa complessa fase di trasformazioni che interessano il nostro presente e investono il nostro futuro.

cod. 10085.7

Advancements in Design Research.

11 PhD theses on Design as we do in POLIMI

The book is part of a series that, since 2017, documents the production of the Politecnico di Milano Design Programme, presenting a summary of the doctoral theses defended each year.

cod. 10319.2