Beyond the limits of the city. Ten Commandments for protection against pandemic risk

Journal title TERRITORIO
Author/s Maria Angela Bedini, Fabio Bronzini
Publishing Year 2023 Issue 2022/101
Language English Pages 10 P. 155-164 File size 363 KB
DOI 10.3280/TR2022-101018
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The goal of this contribution is to adapt urban planning to the pandemic context. The methodology starts from the strategic objectives set at the European level by the Next Generation eu Plan and translates them into coherent goals at the urban level. The work results consist of ten fundamental choices (ten ‘commandments’): operational proposals to modify the current urban planning process, up to establishing an Urban and Territorial Plan for Pandemic Protection. In the conclusions, it is noted that to achieve the objectives, it is necessary to go beyond the limits imposed by inequalities, discrimination, urban and territorial imbalances, and the arrogance of predators of air, water, land, environment, and freedom.

Keywords: urban planning and pandemic risk; territorial imbalances and inequalities; settlement protection.

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Maria Angela Bedini, Fabio Bronzini, Beyond the limits of the city. Ten Commandments for protection against pandemic risk in "TERRITORIO" 101/2022, pp 155-164, DOI: 10.3280/TR2022-101018