Titolo Rivista FORUM
Autori/Curatori Malcolm Pines
Anno di pubblicazione 2008 Fascicolo 2007/2
Lingua Inglese Numero pagine 16 P. 135-150 Dimensione file 421 KB
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The "In-Between" (by Malcolm Pines (UK)) - ABSTRACT: This paper was first given at the first Pacific Rim Conference of IAGP, Taiwan in 2002. The ideas were stimulated by fashioning a paper to match the occasion. I was a Westerner speaking to a largely Asian audience. At the time, the Oslo accord between Israel and Middle Eastern countries and the Palestinians was warmly welcomed, but it became a false dawn. I have not removed my passage referring to that event, though I have altered it in the light of later circumstances. How do persons and groups meet and interact in the ‘in-between’? The result can be co-operation and dialogue but it can also be conflict and non-dialogue. I refer to psychoanalytic and group-analytic models of the mind, the emergence of individuality as seen by Norbert Elias and then dialogue as understood by Bakhtin. I also refer to mirroring and reciprocity as well as evolutionary forces and the adaptive design of the human mind.
Malcolm Pines, The "In-Between" in "FORUM" 2/2007, pp 135-150, DOI: