Dal Prototractatus al Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Analisi di una strategia top-down

Author/s Luciano Bazzocchi
Publishing Year 2010 Issue 2010/1
Language Italian Pages 22 P. 73-94 File size 716 KB
DOI 10.3280/SF2010-001004
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From Prototractatus to Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. The author aims to show that in the notebook in which Wittgenstein composed his Tractatus there is no discontinuity between the part published as ‘Prototractatus’ and the last few pages, not published because quite indistinguishable from the final work. The process by which the propositions are combined is homogeneous, following a rigorously top-down strategy: from the six main propositions on the first page to further levels of commentary and, finally, to the more detailed remarks of the last stages. The puzzling chaos of the manuscript derives from his chronological recording of coherent interventions relating to the most different branches of the logic tree. In the first as in the final stage, these interventions were possible thanks to a ‘twin’ text, possibly organized on separate sheets of paper. Therefore, if we read the Tractatus by progressive levels of commentary, rather than sequentially, we then find the same progression of thought developed by Wittgenstein himself during the three years of compiling his manuscript.

Keywords: "Prototractatus", Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Wittgenstein, tree structure, top-down development

Luciano Bazzocchi, Dal Prototractatus al Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Analisi di una strategia top-down in "RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA" 1/2010, pp 73-94, DOI: 10.3280/SF2010-001004