Titolo Rivista FORUM
Autori/Curatori Ekaterina Mikhailova
Anno di pubblicazione 2014 Fascicolo 2013/6
Lingua Italiano Numero pagine 13 P. 65-77 Dimensione file 733 KB
DOI 10.3280/FORU2013-006008
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This article describes the formative decades of psychodrama in Russia connecting the processes ‘there and then’ with broader contexts of the nineties and later years. There is also a brief analysis of the present developments with an emphasis on difficulties and benefits of the specific background. Reflections upon the history of Russian psychodrama elucidate certain common traits of training and/or experiential groups belonging to cultures with a long history of unresolved trauma;
Ekaterina Mikhailova, Catchers in the Rye: Field Observations on the History and Present Status of Psychodrama in Russia in "FORUM" 6/2013, pp 65-77, DOI: 10.3280/FORU2013-006008