Schelling’s Theory of Spatiality and its Realist Curvature in the Philosophy of Pavel Florensky.

Author/s Andrea Dezi
Publishing Year 2019 Issue 2019/1
Language Italian Pages 23 P. 35-57 File size 101 KB
DOI 10.3280/SF2019-001003
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In this article, Schelling’s theory of space is studied in relation to its reception and development in Russian philosophy of the early twentieth century, namely in the philosophy of space of Pavel Florensky. For both philosophers, the question of spatiality is a fundamental theme that lies at the heart of every philosophical system. By analyzing their specific criticisms of Kant’s ‘subjective’ approach to the problem of spatiality, the Author demonstrates how Schelling’s and Florensky’s ‘transcendental realism’, developing through similar, but definitely non-coinciding, paths, results in a technical, or rather ‘artistic-poietic’, conception of space.

Keywords: Theory of space, Schelling, Florensky, philosophy of nature, aesthetics, Kant’s Transcendental Aesthetic

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Andrea Dezi, La dottrina dello spazio di Schelling e la sua curvatura realista nel pensiero di Pavel Florenskij in "RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA" 1/2019, pp 35-57, DOI: 10.3280/SF2019-001003