Rivista interdisciplinare di ricerca ed intervento relazionale - Family therapy. International Review of Research and Relational Intervention

3 issues per year, ISSN 0391-2868 , ISSNe 1972-5442

Printed issue price (also old issues): € 30.00

E-book issue price (also old issues): € 25.00

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American Psychological Association lists Terapia familiare on its PsycINFO Journal Coverage List, a bibliographic database containing the most prestigious journals and publications in the field for use as a reference for articles and quotations. Terapia Familiare was founded in June 1977 and is the most important journal wholly dedicated to family studies, research and clinical intervention. The most relevant international authors in the field have published work in Terapia Familiare.
Over the course of 30 years, the Journal has published articles on family and couple psychotherapy and network intervention in different social contexts, on institutional issues and research in the field, and on issues related to family therapy training and supervision.
Special issues have been published on children in family therapy, depression, pioneers of family therapy, the ethics of family therapy and family crisis in a multicultural society, etc.

Editor in chief: Maurizio Andolfi
Vice editor: Antonello D’Elia
Management Assistants: Silvia Mazzoni, Corrado Pontalti, Alessandra Salerno, Alessandra Santona
Reviews: Libri, Articoli, Notizie e commenti a cura del Comitato tecnico della rivista: Flavia Bellino, Daniela Santona, Juliana Seger Sanvicente, Dorothy Sommella, Vito Sugamele, Francesca Treccani Opinioni a confronto Maurizio Andolfi, Antonello D’Elia;
Research and Terapia familiare: Silvia Mazzoni, Alessandra Salerno, Alessandra Santona
Editorial staff: Lucia Porcedda
National editorial board: Claudio Angelo Bolzano, Grazia Attili Roma,Rossella Aurilio Napoli, Paolo Bertrando Milano, Stefano Cirillo Milano, Paola D’Atena Roma, Francesca Ferraguzzi Roma, Donata Francescato Roma, Paolo Gritti Napoli, Anna La Mesa Roma, Gianpaolo Lombardi Firenze, Camillo Loriedo Roma, Gianmarco Manfrida Prato, Silvia Mazzoni Roma, Luca Pappalardo Firenze, Patrizia Petiva Torino, Corrado Pontalti Roma, Carmine Saccu Roma, Alessandra Salerno Palermo, Alessandra Santona Milano, Melania Scali Roma, Matteo Selvini Milano, Umberta Telfener Roma, Valeria Ugazio Milano, Marco Vannotti Neuchâtel, Giulio Cesare Zavattini Roma
Comitato dei Consulenti Nazionali: Alfredo Canevaro Macerata, Katia Giacometti Firenze, Girolamo Lo Verso Palermo, Marisa Malagoli Togliatti Roma, Eugenia Scabini Milano, Michele Zappella Siena
International editorial board: Elisa Agostinelli Brisbane, Australia; Alejandro Astorga Arancibia Santiago, Cile; Dominique Bardou Nantes, Francia; Luisa Castaldi Valpraiso, Cile; Lorena Cavalieri Perth, Australia; Tiziana Corsini London, Regno Unito; Daniela Currà Meilhan, Francia; Francesca Curti London, Regno Unito; Salvatore D’Amore Bruxelles, Belgio; Maria de Jésus Fentanes Albuerne Puebla, Messico; Ivy Daure Bordeaux, Francia; Auron Flora Mexico City, Messico; Ema Genijovich New York-NY, USA; Paola Gobbi Rotterdam, Olanda; María Isabel Gonzàlez Bogota, Colombia; Russel Haber Columbia-SC, USA; Florence Kaslow Miami-FL, USA; Milena Lhano São Paulo, Brasile; Silvia Mestermann Buenos Aires, Argentina; Jorma Piha Turku, Finlandia; Catherine Reinhard, Saint-Mandé, Francia, Elida Romano Paris, Francia, Raffaella Salvo Perth, Australia; Eriola Sanxhaku Townsville, Australia; Carlos Sluzki Washington DC, USA; Robert Wendt Toledo-OH, USA

Editors: Via Antonio Bosio 34, 00161 Roma / tel. 06/44 233 273 - fax 06/44 03 299 e-mail: redazioneterapiafamiliare@accademiapsico.it sito web: www.accademiapsico.it

Editorial Guidelines
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The publication of any single article is not bound to the payment of any fee.

Articles concerning individuals or containing personal information that makes a human subject identifiable must comply with the international standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) and revised in 2013.

For further information about the ethical conduct of the journal, please refer to the Publication Ethics linked in this section:

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ANVUR scientific journal: Area 11, Area 14

The circulation of the magazine is intended to enhance the impact at an audience of psychiatrists, psychotherapists and mental health professionals

Issue 134/2024

Opinioni a confronto

Ricerca e terapia familiare

Notizie e commenti

Alfabeto relazionale


Recensione inattuale