Biofuels economics and policy.

A cura di: Adele Finco

Biofuels economics and policy.

Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability

The book aims to describe the context and the emerging economic and political challenges of the agro-energy field and the importance of biofuels from feedstocks. The Italian and European economic analysis describes the actual scenario and the future perspectives of the agribusiness sector.

Pages: 208

ISBN: 9788820417635

Edition: 1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 365.1004

Availability: Buona

Pages: 208

ISBN: 9788856865646

Edizione:1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 365.1004

Can print: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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In recent years attention to biofuel as an alternative to fossil fuel, is motivated by concerns about energy security, uncertainty over oil prices, climate change and agricultural incomes.
The book focuses primarily on the biodiesel sector in Europe, which is the world major player in biodiesel production. The future of biodiesel lies in the world's ability to produce renewable feedstocks such as vegetable oils to keep the cost of biodiesel competitive with petroleum, without supplanting land necessary for food production, or destroying natural ecosystems in the process. For this reason currently, public policies and private investments around the world are aiming to increase local capacity to produce second generation biofuels.
The volume analyses first generation biofuel economics and policies, which have strict interactions with agriculture. The recent impulse given to biofuel policies produced major side effects on highly regulated agricultural sectors.
The book is organized into two parts. The first one highlights the policy instruments and biofuel scenarios. The second one examines methodological approaches to establish the sustainability of biofuels production and their environmental impacts.
The publication, using the scientific support of international researchers, aims to describe the context and the emerging economic and political challenges of the agro-energy field and the importance of biofuels from feedstocks. The Italian and European economic analysis describes the actual scenario and the future perspectives of the agribusiness sector. The book is addressed to the scientific world and to stakeholders interested in bioenergy.

Adele Finco is full professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences (3A), Ancona, Italy. She obtained the PhD in Land Use Economics and Rural Appraisal at the Padova University, Italy. Her main research interests and publications regard agricultural economics and policy, sustainable development and management and environmental evaluation. Recently, her research field shifted towards the economics and policy of the bioenergy sector, with particular attention to biofuels.
Adele Finco, Introduction
Part I. Policy Instruments and Biofuels Scenarios
Adele Finco, Monica Padella, Biofuel Sector Overview
(Introduction; Biofuels types and processes; Biofuels production and consumption; Biodiesel and vegetable oils market and trade; References)
Wallace Tyner, Biofuel Economics and Policy in the US
(Introduction; Policy Alternatives under Consideration in 2011; Corn ethanol impacts on corn price; Cellulosic biofuels; Conclusion; References)
Adele Finco, Monica Padella, Biofuel Policy in EU and Italy
(Introduction; EU Policy Biofuel; Italian biofuels policies; Conclusion; References)
Deborah Bentivoglio, Michele Rasetti, Biomass and Agricultural Land Use for Biofuels
(Introduction; Biomass crops in EU; Agricultural land use; References)
Part II. Biofuels Impact and Methodological Approaches
Adele Finco, Monica Padella, Biodiesel Sector in Italy
(Introduction; Break-even analysis; Conclusion; References)
Monica Padella, Adele Finco, Actual Issues of Biofuels Impact
(Introduction; Impact on food prices; Environmental impacts; Certification schemes for biofuels sustainability; Conclusions; References)
Monica Padella, The Use of Equilibrium Models to Assess Biofuels Impacts
(Introduction; Literature review: models used; GTAP model; GTAP application; Conclusions; References)
Deborah Bentivoglio, Adele Finco, Peter Nijkamp, Multicriteria Analysis for Biofuel Policy Decision Making in Agriculture
(Introduction; Biofuel environmental policy; An exploratory Meta-Analysis; Multicriteria Analysis; Results of multicriteria analysis; Conclusion; Appendix. Studies considered in the meta-analysis tables; References)
Michele Rasetti, Deborah Bentivoglio, Adele Finco, Rapeseed Biodiesel Environmental Impacts Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Methodology
(Introduction; Why LCA for biofuels?; LCA stages; Case of study: LCA evaluation of GHG emissions of rapeseed biodiesel compared with conventional diesel; Discussion of results; Conclusions; References)
Adele Finco, Deborah Bentivoglio, Monica Padella, Romina Spinozzi, Andrea Benedetti, Tommaso Sargentoni, Alternative Agroenergy Chains
(Introduction; Vegetable oil and Biogas chains; Policy measures in the electricity sector in Italy; Private Cost-benefit analysis; Conclusions; References)
Adele Finco, Conclusions and Remarks
(Bioethanol chain; Biodiesel chain)

Contributors: Andrea Benedetti, Deborah Bentivoglio, Peter Nijkamp, Monica Padella, Michele Rasetti, Tommaso Sargentoni, Romina Spinozzi, Wallace Tyner

Serie: Economia - Ricerche

Subjects: Environmental and Transportation Economics

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