Design & Interiors.
Considerations on an evolving discipline between education and profession
Design is no longer and will never be more like before. This book unequivocally tells you. Because Alessandro Biamonti knows perfectly well that in a world that has changed over the past twenty years more than in many previous centuries we can no longer plan and produce (and not even think, communicate, live) as we did just a short while ago. Alessandro here gives us a map of this change, gives us suggestions, provides us with paths and solutions. [from the introduction by Franco Bolelli]
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9788891756459
Edizione:1a edizione 2017
Publisher code: 85.102
Can print: No
Can Copy: No
Can annotate: Sì
Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9788891757388
Edizione:1a edizione 2017
Publisher code: 85.102
Can print: No
Can Copy: No
Can annotate: Sì
Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions