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Electricity markets and reforms in Europe

A cura di: Milica Uvalic

Electricity markets and reforms in Europe

The book deals with the effects of the electricity industry reforms on the electricity markets and on the use of renewable sources for electricity production. In particular, the book concentrates on the ongoing electricity sector reforms in the Western Balkan states and on the functioning of the Italian electricity market, and examines the impact of liberalization on technical efficiency of the electricity sector in some European Union countries.

Printed Edition


Pages: 160

ISBN: 9788856848113

Edition: 1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 380.381

Availability: Discreta

Pages: 160

ISBN: 9788856875881

Edizione:1a edizione 2012

Publisher code: 380.381

Can print: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

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During the last twenty years, many countries have experienced electricity reforms, where the general trend of public policy has continued to support liberalisation in sectors that were once dominated by regulated legal monopolies.
The essays included in this book, more or less explicitly, deal with the effects of these reforms on the electricity markets. Since the volume contains the output of a research project funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and University (PRIN project), the key chapters concentrate on the functioning of the Italian electricity market, and the ongoing electricity sector reforms in the Western Balkans.
The Italian electricity markets have been analyzed along two different lines of research: the persistence of the market power in the post-reform period and the identification of multiple equilibria in which oligopolistic and competitive behaviors co-exist and are explained by a contagion effect among spot electricity prices. Other two essays deal with renewable sources: the first explores, from the theoretical point of view, the reasons why countries have chosen subsidies for green electricity instead of implementing the more common Pigouvian tax on polluting emissions, while the second tries to empirically identify an appreciable consumer's Willingness to Pay to use green electricity. Another chapter of the book directly addresses the impact of liberalization on technical efficiency of the electricity sector in some European Union countries. Eventually, in the case of the Western Balkan countries, the situation regarding energy supply in the individual countries is considered in detail, by paying attention to the current EU initiatives to create a new regional energy market in Southeast Europe.

Milica Uvalic is Professor of Economics at the University of Perugia, Italy. She has written widely on comparative economic systems and on the problems of transition economies in Southeast Europe, including Serbia's Transition: Towards a Better Future (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).

Carlo Andrea Bollino, Milica Uvalic, Introduction. Electricity markets in an enlarging European Union
Carlo Andrea Bollino, Paolo Polinori, Market strategies and market structures in the Italian wholesale electricity market
(Introduction; The liberalization of electricity market; Italian market data; Preliminary market analysis; Residual demand: theory and computation; Empirical results for residual demand analysis; Conclusions; References; Appendix; Nomenclare)
Carlo Andrea Bollino, Davide Ciferri, Paolo Polinori, Contagion in electricity markets: empirical evidences from Italian markets
(Introduction, The empirical framework; Data Description; Results; Conclusions; References)
Simona Bigerna, Paolo Polinori, Households' willingness to pay for renewable energy sources in Italy: a bidding game approasch
(Introduction; Background; A brief discussion on the cost of renewable energy in Italy; The method; The data; Empirical findings; Conclusions; References)
Silvia Micheli, Learning curve and wind power
(Introduction; Wind energy in the European Union; Policy analysis; The model; Conclusions; References)
Fabrizio Pompei, Regulation and technical efficiency in the electricity industry: evidence from some European Union countries
(Introduction; Literature review and conceptual framework of the empirical analysis; Technical efficiency of the electricity supply industry in some EU countries; The effects of regulation on productivity growth: an econometric analysis; Conclusions; References)
Milica Uvalic, The regional energy market in the Western Balkans
(Introduction; The Western Balkan countries energy sector; Energy sector reforms in the Western Balkans; Recent EU initiatives; Towards a regional energy market; Some policy implications: Learning from the EU and Italian experience; Concluding remarks; References).

Contributors: Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Davide Ciferri, Silvia Micheli, Paolo Polinori, Fabrizio Pompei

Serie: Economia e politica industriale

Subjects: Industrial Economics - European and International Economy - Demography and Statistics - Economic Policy

Level: Scholarly Research

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