Equiwelfare and social innovation.

A cura di: Giovanni Bertin, Stefano Campostrini

Equiwelfare and social innovation.

An European perspective

A redefinition of welfare policies characterizes the current phase in all European countries. To prevent that this crisis could increase the already strong disparities between countries (and within individual countries) it is important to better understand what is happening, and to find a common platform for analysis and comparison. This book tries to start the discussion on these themes involving colleagues who are working to investigate this process of transformation within Europe.

Pages: 192

ISBN: 9788891713247

Edition: 1a edizione 2015

Publisher code: 1534.2.41

Availability: Buona

Pages: 192

ISBN: 9788891724335

Edizione:1a edizione 2015

Publisher code: 1534.2.41

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

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Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Pages: 192

ISBN: 9788891724342

Edizione:1a edizione 2015

Publisher code: 1534.2.41

Can print: No

Can Copy: No

Can annotate:

Format: ePub con DRM for Digital Editions

Info about e-books

Welfare systems are experiencing a long crisis in all European countries. This is not only due to the reduction of resources delivered by the states, but reflects the social changes and difficulties that have emerged in recent years through the mission carried out by redistributive social policies. A redefinition of welfare policies characterizes the current phase in all countries. To prevent that this crisis could increase the already strong disparities between countries (and within individual countries) it is important to better understand what is happening, and to find a common platform for analysis and comparison. This book tries to start the discussion on these themes involving colleagues who are working to investigate this process of transformation within Europe. The hope is not to build identical or similar systems in different countries, but to increase the capacity for discussion and the opportunity to develop social protection systems capable of dealing with the unique characteristics of individual territorial contexts. Within this perspective, the book is divided into two parts: the debate around the process of welfare system comparison in Europe and internationally; and the examination of the potential and critical aspects in considering social innovation as a path capable of allowing Europe to make a significant step forward in this direction.

Giovanni Bertin is Professor of Sociology, Dean of the Master's Degree "Evaluation of Public Policy", and Coordinator of the CPS (Research Unit of Social Policy) at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. His main research interests are analysis and classification of welfare systems, analysis of local and national governance models, and evaluation of social and public policy.
Stefano Campostrini is Professor of Social Statistics, and was the founding Dean of the Graduate School at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. His main research interests are the application of Statistics in decision-making processes within health and social policies and intervention. He has broad international experience in public health and health promotion, particularly in the study of behavioral risk factors for health, and the evaluation of health promotion.

Giovanni Bertin, Stefano Campostrini, Introduction
Pierpaolo Donati, Beyond the Welfare State: Trajectories Towards the Relational State
(The issue; The crisis of the welfare state signals the end of an epic project and an entire historical order; The difficulties of creating a new welfare state; The scenario of the new future and how we can conceive the new society; The challenge of a "human society" endowed with a "civil welfare"; What is behind the world economy's crisis?; Should we yield to Darwinian evolution laws?; Is there an alternative to a social evolution without finalism?; Rethinking civil society and its economic foundations; Towards the 'relational welfare state'; References)
Giuseppe Moro, Defamilization in commoditized welfare
Luca Martignani, De-commodification as re-configuration: An historical and epistemic necessity for the understanding of new welfare
(A reflexive perspective beyond the pair "in cash" and "in kind"; Welfare de-commodification as a historic and epistemic necessity; How does de-commodification work? Distinctions and re-configuration logics; Working reflexively for the new welfare: enabling and restraining factors; Conclusions; References)
Giovannni Bertin, Stefano Campostrini, De-stratification, health inequality, and welfare regimes
(Welfare regimes and inequalities of health; Inequalities and health in Italian regional systems; Conclusions; References)
Ivan Harsl•f, European Policy and Social Innovation
(Introduction; Background: Pressures for European renewal; Social innovation as conceptualized by the European Commission; Examples of social policies incorporating features of social innovation; Critical perspectives on the feasibility and suitability of social innovation; Ideological tensions in the concept of social innovation; Conclusion; References)
Alex Robertson, Welfare reform, welfare rights and the hybrid nature of the British welfare state
(Social security; Health; The National Health Service; Devolution and Social Policy; Conclusions; References)
Ingo Bode, Non-profit Organisations and the Evolving German Welfare Mix: Stability and Change in the Light of a Changing International Landscap
(Introduction; The German route: A few words on history; Procurement and commissioning, liberal and corporatist style; Consensual commissioning: How did the corporatist model work during the 20th century?; Towards two worlds of state-non-profit relations: User markets and procurement in semi-corporatist Germany; Conclusion; References)
Nicoletta Pavesi, Social innovation and social work
(Introduction: the context; Innovation in social work; Towards a provisional conclusion; References)
Giovanni Bertin, Stefano Campostrini, Some Research Perspectives
(Some issues in the comparison and classification of welfare systems?; Evaluation of welfare systems; References)

Contributors: Ingo Bode, Pierpaolo Donati, Ivan Harslof, Luca Martignani, Giuseppe Moro, Nicoletta Pavesi, Alex Robertson

Serie: Sociologia, cambiamento e politica sociale

Subjects: Policies and Social Services - Methodology and Techniques of Social Research

Level: Scholarly Research

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