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A cura di: Giulia Gerosa, Andrea Manciaracina


Environmental systems as a combination of interior design, services, communication and technologies

Interior design is less and less reduced to the mere physical component of space and is instead increasingly projected towards an ‘environmental system’ made up of space, services, communication, and technology. The book highlights the close interconnections between the design of spaces, the creation of services, the application of communication systems, and the exploitation of technologies, allowing us to reveal the tensions and interactions that are unleashed depending on the prevalence of one or another design discipline and the scale at which they take place.

Pagine: 150

ISBN: 9788835153528

Edizione:1a edizione 2023

Codice editore: 10319.20

Informazioni sugli open access

Interior design is less and less reduced to the mere physical component of space and is instead increasingly projected towards an 'environmental system' made up of space, services, communication, and technology, capable of illustrating a multi-scalarity and trans-disciplinarity typical of a project devoted to innovation. This change of focus, from the prevalence of the interior physical component to the dominance of a polyvalent system, has generated a series of changes, including those affecting the project's area, which shows a progressive rise of the informational-cognitive component where the control of the net of human interactions involved becomes extremely important.
The volume collects various design experiences carried out within heterogeneous research groups and talks about experiments in the design of spaces and services on a different dimensional scale and that have impacted different types of users.
Through the recounting of these experiments, the book highlights the close interconnections between the design of spaces, the creation of services, the application of communication systems, and the exploitation of technologies, allowing us to reveal the tensions and interactions that are unleashed depending on the prevalence of one or another design discipline and the scale (from XS to XL) at which they take place.

Giulia Gerosa, PhD in Industrial Design and Multimedia Communication, Associate Professor in Interior Design. She works on the communicative component of the architectural project and the brand identity. She is member of the Study Spaces Committee of the Politecnico di Milano and co-director of the Master in Interior Design, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano and Scuola Politecnica di Design.

Andrea Manciaracina, PhD in Design and Degree in Industrial Design from Politecnico di Milano. Research fellow at the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano and adjunct professor at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano since 2003. His research focuses on the relationship between communication design in all its forms, spaces and technologies for learning and for the use of services. Attentive to these issues, he contributes to the field of design by participating in researches and conferences, writing articles and publishing books.

Giulia Gerosa, Andrea Manciaracina Introduction
Ilaria Bollati XS: Autofficina Futuro: an interactive cultural experience to expand our vision into the future of mobility
Peter Di Sabatino, Claudia Mastrantoni S: Salone del Futuro: Open, Connected, and Extended: A new sense and purpose for the Chamber of Commerce of Milan
Massimo Antinarelli, Elisa Cinelli, Laura Galluzzo
M: Urban Regeneration project of a Former Military Park in Lentate sul Seveso
Giulia Gerosa, Andrea Manciaracina L: Space and technology as facilitators of new hybrid learning experiences: the Politecnico di Milano's Innovative Classroom Project
Luisa Collina, Martina Mazzarello
XL: Metadesign for the Relocation of Università degli Studi di Milano (the Milan State University)
Mauro Ceconello, Davide Spallazzo
XS to XL: Interaction design for valorizing heritage across scales. Analyzing constants and variables

Contributi: Massimo Antinarelli, Ilaria Bollati, Mauro Ceconello, Elisa Cinelli, Luisa Collina, Peter Di Sabatino, Laura Galluzzo, Claudia Mastrantoni, Martina Mazzarello, Davide Spallazzo

Collana: Design International - Open Access

Argomenti: Architettura, design, territorio

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