A cura di: Lorenzo Mussone, Umberto Crisalli
Transport management and land-use effects in presence of unusual demand.
Selected papers
This book contains a selection of the papers presented during the Scientific Seminar 2009 of the Italian Society of Transportation Scholars organized within the annual international conference of the Society. The theme was “The effects of important events on land-use and transport” and it was stimulated by two forthcoming related events: the “Forum delle Culture”, Naples, 2013 and notably the “Expo”, Milan, 2015.
Printed Edition
Printed Edition
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9788856841749
Edition: 1a edizione 2011
Publisher code: 1797.38
Availability: Buona
PDF with DRM
PDF with DRM
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9788856868791
Edizione:1a edizione 2011
Publisher code: 1797.38
Can print: No
Can Copy: No
Can annotate: Sì
Format: PDF con DRM for Digital Editions